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  • Saturday, 18 January 2025

Religious Minister: Pope Francis to Visit Indonesia on September 3

Religious Minister: Pope Francis to Visit Indonesia on September 3
Source: Vatican Media

SEAToday, Vatican - Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said on Sunday (3/31) that the leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, will visit Indonesia on September 3.

Qoumas stated that the government had received a letter of notification from the head of the Catholic Church by the Vatican authorities. Pope Francis’ visit has long been awaited by President Joko Widodo.

“In June 2022, I delivered a letter of invitation from President Jokowi to Pope Francis. Thankfully, after almost two years of waiting, Pope Francis can finally come to Indonesia. I think this is a special gift, especially for Catholics,”

The minister hopes that during his visit to Indonesia, the leader of the Catholic church will be able to see the diversity and inter-religious life that exists in Indonesia.

“Indonesia can maintain tolerance and peace among various faiths, including local faiths. We hope that Pope Francis can see this diversity in Indonesia,” Qoumas said.