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  • Saturday, 18 January 2025

Bogor Officials Turned Campaign Prop Waste Into Paving Blocks And Bricks For Infiltration Wells

Bogor Officials Turned Campaign Prop Waste Into Paving Blocks And Bricks For Infiltration Wells
Officials in Bogor collect campaign props for recycling. Photo: Maeilana, Bogor-The end of the campaign period for the Indonesian general elections has resulted in mounting trash problems in some areas. Officials in Bogor have created a solution to the extra waste from campaign materials they have taken down.

The banners, posters, and others, are now being recycled into paving blocks and materials to create infiltration wells at the Mekarwangi landfill in tandem with the Peduli Ciliwung community.

After the materials were sorted, they were shredded into tiny pieces and then mixed with plastic waste to be processed. The products have been sold to businesses in the Bekasi area.

“After trials, we found that we could recycle these materials, though only about 25 to 30 percent of them. We could only process those made of PVC, and that’s only after ensuring they are safe. Right now, we already have a buyer for the products. They are stronger than concrete or wood when used to create infiltration wells or as construction materials,” said one of the landfill workers Een Irawan Putra.

Officials say the process is an eco-friendly alternative to incineration, and they also benefit the people as the products are also used in improvements of public facilities. (DKD)